Don’t remain miserable in quarantine limbo.
I am very experienced and comfortable handling Online Mediations, and can help resolve:
COVID-19 related parenting issues
Your Divorce
Your Elder Care/Guardianship issues
My name is Sheryl-Anne Sastow and I am an Attorney/Mediator and Collaborative Attorney and Arbitrator. I have been Mediating divorces and Guardianship issues for over twenty years I regularly handle extremely complex, high net worth cases, as well as a couple with W-2 incomes. No matter what you have in the bank, or how complex the case is, the advice below is true for all situations.
In my video last week, A Key to a Smoother Divorce: Part 1, I had suggested that it would be wise to take advantage of the time you may now find on your hands, to prepare and organize yourself in the event you are thinking of getting divorced. Just after that, I read an article in the New York Post entitled: “Coronavirus is making couples sick…of each other: Lawyers see divorces surge.”
Bottom line: Many couples are cracking under the strain of quarantine, and all that goes along with it.
Just afterward, I received a call from a client who said: “Life is too short, I’ll be damned if I am going to waste the rest of my life. I’m scared, but this is just what I needed to give me the courage to get a divorce and move forward with my life.”
So, to continue on from my last video, I had promised that I would give you some tips as to how to get organized and use your time effectively.
Having handled hundreds of Divorce Mediations and Collaborative Divorces, it is evident that:
An organized client = A less expensive divorce, both financially and emotionally.
How to organize your self: The first step: Organize your finances by:
1. Gaining some understanding of what your assets are.
2. See what your debts are.
3. Gather the documents relating to these assets and debts.
4. Organize your and your spouse’s financial documents. Word of warning: Do not concern yourself with who owns what, or in whose name an account is, or an asset is. Just gather records. That will be a discussion for us to have together.
Examples of documents needed:
- Get two-three years of tax returns, W-2, 1099, Your year-end paystubs
- Gather your Mutual fund statements, Retirement statements
- Your bonds, gold, silver investments
- Documents regarding any Time Shares, Real Estate, etc
- Any other financial documents
Again: The more organized you are, the lower your legal fees, the more in control of the situation you will feel and the smoother your divorce will typically go.
For a more comprehensive list of documents to gather and organize or any questions you may have as you prepare, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to send you a list to help them prepare or to meet you on-line. You can also visit my website at
You don’t have to wait until after quarantine has lifted to get help. I can help you now with on-line mediations. Call me to discuss how. (516) 314-6116.